Living Life in Color.

One of the questions that have impacted me deeply, is when I was experiencing some strong emotions, I was asked, “what color is it?” “Hmmm…” I remember thinking to myself, “what color is it? What an interesting question.”  The beauty of putting color to your emotions...

Faithful in the little things

Isn’t it funny how we see some tasks as little and some as big? What makes them so? Is it found in the difficulty? The length of time it takes to complete the task? The profundity of the outcome? I don’t think God desciminates between little and big. What...

Of children and horses: Why listening matters

One of my favorite podcasts to listen to is Focus on the Family.  It offers insightful information for marriages and parenting and has been extremely influential for my relationships with Mark (my husband) and Colette (my daughter).  Recently, one of the...

Can horses help Millennials?

As a millennial, I really struggle with feeling shame about what is being written about my generation.  Although, more than 90% of the time what is published about us are the flaws we have, they are not all that wrong.  *going to hide now*.  It’s...

6 ways buying a horse is like finding someone to marry

I have something to admit.  I love Hallmark Channel movies.  Even though it is the same plot line every single time, I get sucked into them!  Every time, the small town girl is losing the family farm and falls in love with the town’s hottest guy who helps her get the...

Parenting and Horsemanship

Consistent soft request goes further than an increase in frustration.  Have you ever tried to put a horse in a horse trailer?  If you have, and encountered a horse who did not want to go into said horse trailer, then you are very familiar with the mounting...