Why does this desert seem to go on for-ev-er?!

When the Israelites left Egypt they spent 4o years in the desert.  40 YEARS.  I know we find ourselves familiar with this story; so familiar that we forget to slow down and sometimes take it for granted.  But this story in scripture is so important in...

The Importance of Play

Play is so important Have you ever noticed: Play happens when we are able to set aside our to-do list. Play releases stress. Play builds connection and memories with others. Play is vulnerable. Ugh, play is so vulnerable, isn’t it?  I don’t know about you, but...

Don’t be so dramatic….

Gratitude and attitude. We have heard it a MILLION times in the last several years: gratitude actually changes your mindsetgratitude changes your brain chemistrygratitude attracts things to be grateful for. I embarrassingly admit, over the last 6 months or so, I have...

I mess up. A lot.

I can be very impatient. Sometimes I lose it on my husband, other times I mumble under my breath, and sometimes I grumble in frustration with my daughter when she doesn’t move fast enough or doesn’t let me get my things done. It is humbling. Just...


The last blog I shared the importance of quality of connection in marriage and I brought up the topic of vision. So, why is vision so darn important to the family? Not only do we find the Proverb verse that says “without vision the people perish” but the...

Imperfect Marriages – a practice in connection

To continue our conversation about connection and the need for connection within families, we turn our attention toward marriages. Scripture is full of instruction on responding with kindness. “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God...

Imperfect Families – A Practice in Connection

I was recently reading a wonderful article about how a young boy who had been bullied was working with a horse and the horse kept nipping at him. The author was a horse person and she spoke of how she would cringe when she would witness this. She desperately wanted to...

Life is a Dressage Test

Something my riding instructor used to coach me away from before competition was practicing the dressage test in sequential order.  She would tell me that it would not benefit my horse and I because my horse would come to anticipate the dressage test, and not...

The Story We Tell Ourselves

In her new Netflix special, Brené Brown shares a story about a fight that she and her husband had when they were on a family vacation.  The conversation was around two insecurities that each of them had and it led to a misunderstanding between the two of...

Daring Greatly

Teddy Roosevelt once said “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done better.  The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and...