Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. Just hearing the title brings up a bunch of different thoughts – it probably makes you wonder what kind of spirituality are we talking about… it might also bring up thoughts on how the two are even related… But the...

The Pasture that Rosie prayed for.

Around May 2020 I closed my back door behind me, walked with anticipation and deep breaths out to my barn, passed through the creeping green gate, and stepped onto the concrete floor hearing my boots clomp on the ground and crunch the dirt underneath the hard rubber...

3 Things I have observed about rest.

Rest is done best in community. THIS ONE IS SO HARD!!! If you are anything like me, you tend to enjoy recharging by being alone, enjoying the quiet, doing what you want. Buuuut, if this is your only rest, then you are too busy.Rest looks a lot like play. Huh?! Play...

The Importance of Play

Play is so important Have you ever noticed: Play happens when we are able to set aside our to-do list. Play releases stress. Play builds connection and memories with others. Play is vulnerable. Ugh, play is so vulnerable, isn’t it?  I don’t know about you, but...