Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. Just hearing the title brings up a bunch of different thoughts – it probably makes you wonder what kind of spirituality are we talking about… it might also bring up thoughts on how the two are even related… But the...

The Pasture that Rosie prayed for.

Around May 2020 I closed my back door behind me, walked with anticipation and deep breaths out to my barn, passed through the creeping green gate, and stepped onto the concrete floor hearing my boots clomp on the ground and crunch the dirt underneath the hard rubber...

The Next Right Thing

What do you do after things fall apart?  The next right thing. That is all you are responsible in this moment.  With two toddler girls, it is no secret that I have probably watched the Frozen movies about one million and a half times…. each.  I remember watching...

The Hawk in the Pasture

We have these two hawks that land on our fences throughout the year. They are absolutely stunning and I love when they come around. They have become powerful carriers of encouragement, and it surprised me that I took so long to look up the biblical meaning of the...

Parenting has revealed these 2 things..

I am still very new to parenting. I have two daughters, one who is 2 and one who is due to be born in the next month. It is funny because when I used to babysit when I was in college and seminary, I loved babysitting toddlers. They were so much fun and so innocent. I...

Do you feel like you have to do it on your own?

It came early. The lie. The lie that if I wanted to accomplish something I would have to do it on my own. It came from every front, every relationship. I had dreams and if I wanted to get them done I would need to do them alone. If I had to get a group assignment...

3 Things I have observed about rest.

Rest is done best in community. THIS ONE IS SO HARD!!! If you are anything like me, you tend to enjoy recharging by being alone, enjoying the quiet, doing what you want. Buuuut, if this is your only rest, then you are too busy.Rest looks a lot like play. Huh?! Play...