Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. Just hearing the title brings up a bunch of different thoughts – it probably makes you wonder what kind of spirituality are we talking about… it might also bring up thoughts on how the two are even related… But the truth is the two are inseparable. And this is why we are shifting gears at Horse and Soul. This year our focus is going to be discipleship. We believe fully in the vision of Discipleship as laid out by Jesus and have come to realize that if we focus on discipleship healing and freedom come. Our goal is to help others grow in intimacy with Jesus and as a result, grow in Christ-likeness. Starting on February 21, 2021 4-5:30pm at our New Waverly Location we will be starting a new Bible Study with our Herd group. This group will meet every 3rd Sunday of the month and will be going through the book “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality” by Peter Scazzero. For more information, check out our events on our facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/horseandsoultexas/events/?ref=page_internal